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Grundfarbton Rot, reines Pigment ohne Weiß. Basic shade Red, pure Pigment without white. Label for: - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece - Cyprus
21,00 €
Grundfarbton Dunkelrot, reines Pigment ohne Weiß.\rBasic shade Dark Red, pure Pigment without white.\r\rLabel for:\r- Romania\r- Bulgaria\r- Greece\r- Cyprus
21,00 €
Grundfarbton Gelb, reines Pigment ohne Weiß. Basic shade Yellow, pure pigment without white. Label for: - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece - Cyprus
21,00 €
Sehr leuchtendes Hellgelb mit Weiß. Very bright light yellow with white. Label for: - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece - Cyprus
21,00 €
Grundfarbton Orange, reines Pigment ohne Weiß. Basic shade Orange, pure Pigment without white. Label for: - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece - Cyprus
21,00 €
Grundfarbton Hellrot, reines Pigment ohne Weiß. Basic shade Light Red, pure Pigment without white. Label for: - Romania - Bulgaria - Greece - Cyprus
21,00 €
"Label for: - Switzerland - Germany - France - Italy - Austria - Luxembourg - Belgium (French and German)"
10,50 €
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